Our congregation is currently without a permanent Pastor.  If you phone the church office, please leave a message and one of our Elders will reply as soon as possible.

St. Paul's Lutheran Church

Dawson Creek, British Columbia

Pastor Chris graduated from Concordia Lutheran Seminary Edmonton in May 2019, and was ordained and installed at St. Paul’s Dawson Creek on July 14, 2019. He loves living in the North and grew up in Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan. Before he began theological training, Pastor Chris was employed as a concrete plant manager in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan and also worked as an owner/operator, transporting aviation fuel in Northern and Western Canada. He and his wife Vawn celebrated 18 years of marriage in August 2019 and are the proud parents of their two daughters. Pastor Chris served his vicarage year at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Kitimat/Terrace, BC under Pastor Alan Visser. His hobbies include auto mechanics, sausage and jerky making, and spending time with family and friends camping, hunting and fishing.

Pastor Chris loves talking about the Gospel of Jesus. It's no secret that each and everyone of us have made mistakes in life, and sinned against God. Yes, even the Church is full of sinners in need of God's forgiveness. Because of this need, we gather every Sunday, to hear the healing Word of His forgiveness and what it means for us today. You too, are invited to receive the assurance, that all your sins are forgiven on account of what Jesus has done for you on the cross. Pastor Chris is always eager to talk about God, and would be happy to answer any questions you may have about the faith.  

(As of June 1st, 2022, Pastor Chris accepted a divine call to north east Saskatchewan to serve a parish of four congregations.  We will greatly miss our most recent full-time shepherd, and pray that God will bless his ministry in his new call.)

Our (former)Pastor

Pastor Christopher McLean

Pastor Chris with fellow Lutheran pastors on the day of his ordination and installation at St. Paul's, July 14, 2019

Our Vacancy Pastor

Rev. Ken Eifert

While we are without a full time Pastor, our congregation is served by Rev. Ken Eifert from St. John's Lutheran Church, in Wembley, Alberta.  St. John's is a sister congregation in our Peace River Circuit of Lutheran Church - Canada.  Pastor Eifert serves us on the third Sunday of each month, providing us with a Divine Service with Holy Communion.  Pastor Eifert also visits our Parish once a week (usually Wednesdays) to visit shut in members, make hospital calls, and teach Bible Class (7:00 pm at the church).