Our congregation is currently without a permanent Pastor.  If you phone the church office, please leave a message and one of our Elders will reply as soon as possible.  

St. Paul's Lutheran Church

Dawson Creek, British Columbia

Member Offerings Information

Lutheran Church Canada's Portal

"Support My Home Congregation"

Now that we are able to worship in person, most members will bring their gifts to the Lord's work to our Sunday morning worship service.  There are other ways to get your gift to the church:

1.  You can drop your regular envelope off at the church.  You can drop it in the mail slot by the           front door anytime.

2.  You can use online banking with you personal financial institution to can make an e-transfer           directly to our congregation's bank account. Please include your offering envelope number as         part of your message. Send your e-transfer to stpauls58@pris.ca

3. You can use Lutheran Church-Canada's online portal called "Support My Home Congregation"         to make a donation with a Visa or Master card. Just be sure to select- 

    "Dawson Creek - St. Paul's Lutheran Church"  in the drop down box. You will receive a tax

     receipt from Synod but your entire donation will go directly to our home congregation.

St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Dawson Creek is a charity registered with the Canada Revenue Agency.  As long as you provide us with your name and mailing address, you will receive a tax deductible charitable donation receipt.  Receipts are issued after December 31st, for the calendar year in which they are received.